Primary Causes of Water Damage

Water is a necessity for human life. However, as much as it is essential for human life, it is not suitable for your home. Ideally, water damage is one of the worst fears in the minds of most homeowners today. Surprisingly, you can be tempted to think that little amounts of water are not a big deal. This begs the question, what are the acceptable values? What actions need to be taken in the event water damage restoration occurs? Ideally, a small spill is not always a primary concern but water bursts, flooded basements and leaking roofs can costs you a fortune. As such, this article presents

Causes of Water Damages

Rain Water

Rain is estimated to be behind close to 10% of all water damage cases in the world. WhWater Damagesen it comes to rains, even small amounts of water can wear down your investments. Moreover, weather extremes like the presence of floods can result in massive losses especially when you are unprepared. Significant amounts of standing water are a consequence of major floods. Besides affecting your home, they also present critical habitats for pathogens and other disease causing microorganisms.

Plumbing inefficiencies

Many plumbing incidences can affect or devalue your home. Ideally, most plumbing inefficiencies occur in the form of bursts or as small leakages in the walls. The effects of a burst are usually evident. However, leakages take some time to detect and often lead to severe damages. To avoid this, it is important to embrace regular inspection plans to arrest possible causes before the damage becomes severe.

Defective Household Appliances

Malfunctioning appliances are behind a fraction of water damages. These include cracked pipes, malfunctioning dish washing machines, refrigerators, water heaters among others. As such, it is imperative to service or replace these models to avoid future damages.

Defective Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems

flood riverMost homeowners fail to realise that HVAC problems are a real cause of concern in dealing with damage. Ideally, water damage resulting from ineffective HVAC systems are attributed to moisture build-up that leads to the growth of moulds. In this regard, it is imperative for homeowners to arrest these problems and replace defecting units to avoid any further damage.

As much as some damages result from uncontrolled circumstances. Most water related damages can be controlled. One way of preventing this is by scheduling regular inspections. In essence, every homeowner should prioritise and invest in small repairs and water damage preventive measures. Consequently, such a move will end up saving him or her a huge chunk of money.

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