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Electronic cigarettes have become very popular among many smokers in the modern days. This is because they do not pose a lot of health problems as it happens when you smoke traditional cigarettes which contain a lot of carcinogens and other by-products that cause different health problems. E-cigarettes have become the best alternative for those who are in the process of quitting smoking too. You can purchase Smokshop Starter Kits online. When you want to enjoy smoking e-cigarettes, there is a start kit that you need to have.

What makes starter kit

Tank sections

Many tanks are mostly used in e-cigarettes kits, bottom coil cartomizers, cartomizers, top coil cartomizers. Each of this offers a different and unique vaping experience that every smoker would enjoy a lot. For instance, the top cartomizers provide warmer vape when it is inhaled. On the other hand, the smokebottom coil cartomizers provide a cooler vape that is crisper when inhaled. Cartomizers can be used singly or in tanks in case they have holes punched in the metal casing. Cartomizers are great performing devices if you spend the time to prime your cartomizers in the right way.


Some batteries are provided in the kits. The difference that exists between the kits is in the life of the battery. The difference exists depending on whether it is variable voltage. The different milliampere –hour in the kits include 350mah, 650mah and the 900mah according to the kit that you purchase. The variable voltage battery contains a rotatable base which makes it possible for you to change the voltage that goes through the atomizer. The base has clear markings on its base, so you can see the voltage in which your battery is set in a clear way.


There is also a wide range of accessories that include lanyards, adapters, refill empty bottles, drip tips, carry cases and ego stands. There are many styles of drip tips Smokshop available. These methods include ribbon, transparent, rice tube, king kong, gourd and other funky forms in stainless steel. There are also two types of carry case which include the small and medium ones. These cases contain external zips and internal nets that hold and store your vaping tools when being transported. Smokshop starter kits are all readily available so getting them is not a big issue.

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