Types of Food Dehydrators

A food dehydrator is one of the essential devices one might need to own in his or her kitchen. This is because these devices are fantastic in preserving food by removing the moisture in these foods. Some of the essential types of food that are preserved are the fruits and vegetables. Dehydrators also are designed to produce heat and air that flows to reduce moisture in the food. The dehydrators are of different brands and, therefore, their difference depends on the quality and the cost.

When you are choosing your dehydrator, you need to consider how these dehydrators are operated. Always ensure that you consider your preference too. This is because you need a food dehydrator that you will be comfortable with and one that serves the best purpose in food preservation. The quality of the food dehydrators matters despite the fact that cost will rise with quality. The following therefore are the two main types of food dehydrators.

Stackable food dehydrators

dehydratorsThis type is commonly used due to its affordability and size. It is also referred as  vertical flow dehydrator. Its design is different from shelf tray food dehydrator, and the source of heat is at the top or the bottom of the device. The dehydrator has a small size, so it is easy to store. The limitation with the stackable food dehydrator is that it does not spread heat evenly. You are required to install a fan to help in heat flow. It is commonly used to preserve fruits and vegetables.

Shelf tray food dehydrators

This is different from the stack food dehydrator because the heat source is located at the back almost similar to an oven. The device is costly, but its operations are more convenient regarding food preservation. They are mostly used to preserve meat, though it can also be used for vegetable and fruits preservation. The device is designed to ease operation labor, so the user, therefore, does not have trouble using it. The limitation with this type of food dehydrator is that it occupies a large space which means you are required to have a primarily fixed location to use and store.


dried fruitsThese types of food dehydrators offer the best services in the kitchen. You can look for a great review of these appliances before you purchase them to help you decide which of the two best suits your desired preference. Therefore, using dehydrators is more convenient compared to the plastic or metal cans.

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